Bugs In Grow Tent (How To Avoid Pests And Infestations In Your Grow Tent)

Pests and infestations can pretty much infiltrate anywhere they know they can get a feed, and that means your grow tent.

Bugs In Grow Tent (How To Avoid Pests And Infestations In Your Grow Tent)

You can try to prevent them with some simple measures like ensuring there are few, if any holes, in the grow tent itself for them to get through. They may still gain entry so you should have a system that allows for fresh air too.

You may also want to know the bugs, pests, and infestations before you work out how to deal with them.

This guide will detail the bugs that can occur in your grow tent. Specifically, how to get rid of them, what the tiny flying bugs are, whether grow tents are bug proof, and how to keep spider mites out.

How To Get Rid Of Small Bugs In A Grow Tent

Yellow sticky traps are a good option for trapping insects though these will need to be monitored. It’s also worth seeing which insects are trapped so you can find specific ways for dealing with them.

Consider purchasing some neem oil, a safe and hydroponic product for pest control to deal with flies, aphids, and other insects.

Rubbing alcohol can also perform a similar task to neem oil and you can easily create a solution to apply to your plants via a spray bottle.  

A homemade tobacco pesticide may be helpful to combat aphids, though you can use natural predators like ladybugs and rove beetles for biological control.

Once you have spotted infected leaves and buds, prune them off to prevent further spread. You may even want to take out individual plants to wash off the aphids with water to then cover the leaves with a solution like potassium soap.

This measure tends to work with a huge infestation, particularly in the vegetative stage. 

What Are The Tiny Flying Bugs In My Grow Tent?

The tiny flying bugs in your grow tent may well be aphids though these can be wingless. These are insects that tend to feed on the leafy part of cannabis plants and suck out the sugary liquid.

Fungal gnats are also small, flying bugs that will be attracted to cannabis plants due to the high humidity levels.

These look like small flies and will eat fungi and decaying matter with an infestation causing yellow leaves and then the entire cannabis plant will eventually wilt. 

Are Grow Tents Bug Proof?

You can create a tough environment for bugs and pests to get into your grow tent, making it even harder for them to thrive.

Put bluntly, you should close the tent every time you enter it and ensure that there is a seal under the doors to ensure that the air conditioning or ventilation system works properly.

Grow tents may not be wholly bug-proof yet you can check the leaves for signs of pests.

Take care of your cannabis plants during flowering as that is a crucial period for an eventual yield though if you do see signs of bugs, act fast then continue to monitor. 

How To Keep Spider Mites Out Of A Grow Tent

Bugs In Grow Tent (How To Avoid Pests And Infestations In Your Grow Tent) (1)

Those tiny red, green, or brown creepy-crawlies that are clambering over the underside of your cannabis plant’s leaves are likely to be spider mites, though they may be too small to actually see.

You may only realize they have visited your plants after they turn from a pale green to a poorly bronze color. A bite from a spider mite may also produce small red blisters seen on the underside of your pear leaves.

These leaves can then turn brown when summer hits and spider mites may even cover the yellow needles with their silky webbing.

One way to keep spider mites out of your grow tent is to control the environmental conditions. Try to prevent the temperature from getting too hot at 80°F and prevent the humidity from dropping below 60%.

You could use a humidifier as prevention is better than having to deal with an infestation. If you cannot manage that then neem oil, potassium soap, and even botanical pyrethrins can help kill spider mites.

Final Thoughts

Looking to control pests and infestations in your grow tent will help the development of your cannabis plants and avoid them from getting damaged.

While you may not be able to keep everything out, you can stop certain insects from infiltrating your grow tent and transmitting diseases that can harm your yield.

Keep checking your plants for those tell-tale signs that pests have gotten in, try to work out which ones, and how they have gotten in.

By creating a secure environment for your cannabis plants to thrive, you can do your utmost to prevent damage caused by pests and infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is An Ideal Spray For Cannabis Plants?

If you are looking to counter bugs and pests with neem oil then you can use that as a base for insecticide. It’s one of the most popular natural versions of an insecticide and it can also act as an antifungal cure once a cannabis plant is infected.

The oil is derived from a neem tree so it will include components that will kill bugs as well as prevent them from feeding effectively. 

Is There A Homemade Natural Pest Deterrent That You Can Use On Cannabis Plants?

Yes, if you have a spray bottle and some turmeric you can make your own natural pest deterrent. Combine 20g of ground turmeric with a full liter of water and shake the bottle so you have a yellow-colored solution.

Spray it onto the base of your cannabis plants and their leaves though you can also sprinkle on some turmeric powder directly. Keep monitoring your plants to check that the solution is working as you would expect it to.

Zack Finch

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